Friday, January 20, 2012

Reader Beware:Graphic

Ok, I wanna tell you a little bit more about myself. How I became paralyed as I am. Most was from a birth defect, but there was some major human error in play as well. When I was born they hadn't noticed for some reason, as I was told my back was open. Only a thin layer of skin protected my spine. My mom even had an amnio done, it was normal. Well, basically when they tried to close my back all the way, they left a piece of skin. Now, I was also told people saw me kick, well that was to happen no more. The skin turned into a dermoid cyst. The cyst was tumorous. and grew as fat as a hot dog and about 3 inches long. Well, the hospitals in St. Louis thought I was just spoiled when I was on my back. My mom knew otherwise. She took me to Chicago, to the Children's Hosptial. The only option was to cut it out and with it, some nerves that grew around it. I went from being from the knees down to hip down. It was the doctor's who closed my back up, fault. Later on, I tried to sue, but no luck I waited too long. Such is life,

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