Friday, February 24, 2012

Unrequited Love

 I'm just posting something that's on my mind. How do people deal with rejection? I mean a person can only take so much, I believe. I just want to find a man who likes my personality and yes, my looks. Cleopatrawasn't that ot really and you know she had one of the greatest love affairs of history. I think I may be a little prettier than she, if I may be so bold. I'm no Marilyn Monroe either but maybe somewhere in between.I know for a fact some of the greatest beauties of all time weren't size 2's either. So, I'm wondering if it's my personality I have to attention span of a 2 year old, I admit but if you get me going ona topic I love, I stick to it. I jokingly poke fun at myself, I never mean it harshly. I just love to joke around and yes I can be serious.I try not to take things lightly for the most part tho, unless the occassion calls for it.Thinking about it, I do want someone I'm physically attracted to, as well as emotionally and mentally, I don't want a sexual relationship without attachment, I can't do that. It's just not me. I think I tend to get attached too easily.I know it's said that that it'll happen when you aren't looking but, how can if you are constantly doing so? I think it's what I want the most is a relationship with a man that is so involved. I don't know how lucky I'll be tho.

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